The lysosomes are objects of lively speculation and study with particular emphasis on agent that strengthen or weaken the lysosome membrane it has been suggested that the anti inflammatory effect of the hormones of the adrenal cortex is due to their ability to stabilize the lysosome membrane substance that cause the lysosome membrane to rupture might prove valuable in the treatment of cancer it is throught that a decrease in the efficiency of the lysosomes may also be an important factor in the effect of aging
The mitochndria mitochondria rightly called the powerhouse of the cell are typically large saucer shaped organelles about 0.5 micron in diameter and 4 micron in length they are readily visible even under the light microscope particularly when stained with the vital dye called janus green the shape size number and distribution of the mitochondria vary depending on the kind of the cell its activity the average cell contains a few hundred mitochondria while a liver cell may contain a thousand or more mature erythrocytes on the other hand have no mitochondria at all within the cell mitochondria tend to collect in areas of the greatest cell activity
Two membranes envelop the mitochondria each of which has typical protein lipid protein unit form of membrane structure the inner membrane of the mitochondrion is extensively folded with the fold cristae projecting like shelves into the interior of the mitochondrion and vastly increasing the surface area of the membrane in a highly magnified electron micrographs both the outer and the inner membranes of the mitochndria have a pimpled appearance they are covered with thousands of tiny particles which are thought to be enzymes