Basic structure of cell membrane (page 2)
The cholesterol which is another lipid present in cell membrane controls the fluidity of the cell and also the permeability of the water soluble components cell membrane protein are of two types integral proteins and peripheral proteins integral protein protrude all the way through the membrane these protein mainly functions as ion channels and carrier proteins thus help in transport of selected water soluble components into and out of the cell peripheral proteins are mainly enzymes an are located in most cases on the inside of the membrane
carbohydrates in cell membrane are mainly in form of glycoproteins or glycolipids carbohydrates attached to proteins and lipid mostly protrude out of the cell and at times outer surface of the cell and at times outer surface of the cell has carbohydrate coat called the glycocalyx
these carbohydrate coat provides negative change to cell membrance which repels negative charged subsatance many of such carbohydrate act as receptor substances for hormones like insulin