BONE amongst all the connective tissue bone is the hardest connective tissues it contains ground substance and bone cells calcium salts are present in the ground substance there are two types of bone cells namely osteoclasts and osteoblasts there are two type of bones namely compact bone and spongy bone long bones are the examples of compact bone they consists of haversian canals surrounding the canal are the layers of bone deposited in concentric circles the space between two layers is called lacunae and wavy pathways are known as canaliculi spongy bones are present in flat bones ends of long bones and vertebrae bones help in stability protection and locomotion they store large quantity of calcium and phosphorous and give shape to the body bone marrow of some bones form blood cells also
It is a type of fluid connective tissue which pervades almost everywhere and is distributed through blood vessels arteries veins arterioles venules and capillaries it is being pumped continuously by the heart which it fills