DISORDERS OF BONES OSTEOPOROSIS:: it is an absolute decrease in bone tissue mass whe…
CARTILAGE:: It is a firm tough but flexible structure which covers the articular surf…
BONES OF THE FOOT:: There are seven tarsal bones situated in two rows and help to bea…
THE TIBIA AND FIBULA :: Tibia and fibula of the leg resemble radius and ulna of the f…
THE PELVIS :: There are differences in size shape and angles of the male and female …
THE LOWER LIMB:: The bones forming the lower limb are the hip bones femur (the thigh …
BONE OF THE WRIST AND HAND :: Wrist consists of eight carpal bones arranged in two …
THE RADIUS:: It is the lateral bone of the forearm it is long bone with a shaft and …
THE CLAVICLE:: It is a long bone without a marrow cavity it is situated just beneath t…
THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of two upper li…
THE RIBS::: There are twelve pairs of ribs bilaterally situated they are curved flat …
BONES OF THE THORAX The thorax is formed behind by the thoracic or dorsal vertebrae …
THE SACRUM:: The sacrum is a large triangular bone composed of five vertebrae the ind…
VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF FUNCTIONS:: Vertebral column is a powerful and flexible pillar it…
THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN;; IT consists of a series of vertebrae and forms the axis to whi…
THE TEMPORAL BONES The temporal bones are situated on the lateral sides it is attac…
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