1. HIP JOINT :: IT is a ball and socket type of joint the head of the femur bone fits into the acetabulum of the hip bone fibrocartilage type of ligament holds the femur bone in acetabulum in its proper position the capsular ligament being thick and strong controls the movements of the joint in all its directions
2. knee joint :: it is one type of hinge joints and is formed by two condyles of the femur with the superior surface of the condyles of tibia patella is situated on the smooth surface of femur and helps in gliding movement
3. Tibiofibular joint: it is a type of fibrous joint formed between two bones of the leg tibia and fibula that join together at the upper and lower ends
4.Ankle joint :: it is a type of hinge joints formed between the lower end of tibia at its medial malleolus and tarsals similarly lateral malleolus of the fibula forms a socket for the talus
5. joints of the foot:; tarsometatarsal metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are the joints of foot they are all gliding type of joint rocking type of movement occurs at talocalcaneal joint joint between the head of the talus with the navicular and that of calcaneum with cuboid are known as mediotarsal joints