Erythropoiesis: Erythropoiesis refers specifically to the formation of erythr…
FUNCTIONS OF RBC : 1. Transport of gases: carriage of O2 and co2 is the most importan…
PROPERTIES OF RBC: (1) Haemolyis: IF a RBC is kept in hypotonic solution it swells an…
RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES (ERYTHROCYTES) Red blood cell is a circular binconcave disc shap…
Regulation of blood volume: 1. blood pressure diffusion osmosis and capillary permeab…
BLOOD VOLUME It is the total volume of blood in the circulatory system an average ma…
COMPOSITION OF BLOOD Blood is a complex fluid with suspended cells cells constitute ab…
GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD (PART 2) 7. Temperature regulation : water of the blood se…
GENERAL FUNCTION OF BLOOD(part 1) 1.Transport of gases : blood transparts oxygen from…
BLOOD :: Blood is a specialized connective tissue flowing in a closed system of vessel…
Disorders of skeletal muscles:: Myositis: it is a disease characterised by inflammato…
Different types of smooth muscles:: Depending on the membrane properties smooth muscl…
NERVE ENDING OF SMOOTH AND CARDIAC MUSCLE:: Smooth muscle and cardiac muscles are inn…
FORCE VELOCITY RELATIONSHIP :: Many a times a muscle has to work under load eg lifting…
Length tension relationship:: the tension generated by a muscle contracting isomertri…
Isotonic and isometric contraction :: In common mans language the word contract means…
DIFFERENT TYPES OF SKELETAL MUSCLES:: Most skeletal muscles are composed of a mixture …
MUSCLE HEAT:: Heat produced during muscular exercise is known as muscle heat it may b…
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