Functions of lymph :: 1. To drain the excess interstitial fluid into the circulatory s…
Composition and Formation of lymph :: Lymph consists of large number of leucocytes ma…
Function of Tissue Fluid : 1. Tissue fluid forms a link between the tissue cell and b…
Tissue Fluid:: Like the closed circulatory system carrying blood there is another clo…
BODY FLUIDS LYMPH AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Every living organism is full of water hum…
Disorders Related to platelets and clotting : purpura or thrombocytopenia:: It is a di…
Fibrinolysis: Blood clot on long standing if not sterile starts dissolving this is du…
Factors retarding (slowing down) clotting: 1. Cooling : Lowering of temperature retar…
MECHANISM OF CLOTTING PART 02 In another mechanism the tissue lying adjacent to blood…
MECHANISM OF CLOT:: Mechanism of clotting thus appears to be simple but there is lot …
COAGULATION OR CLOTTING OF BLOOD Formation of a blood clot is conversion of a hydros…
PLATELETS Platelets look microscopically as round or oval plates …
Variations in leucocyte count:: Diurnal variations occur in WBC count They increase a…
Functions of WBC:: They are the first line of defence against invasion by microbes for…
Agranulocytes: They have no granules and are mononuclear they are of 4 varieties: (1)…
WHITE BLOOD CELLS OR LEUCOCYTES White blood cells (WBC) are also called Leucocytes un…
'Rh' Factor":: A part from agglutinogens A and B another agglutinogen was…
BLOOD GROUPS When more then 40% of blood is lost within few hours by haemorrhage or …
HERIDITARY ANAEMIAS:: A variety of herididitary anaemias result from specific genes w…
HYPOCHROMIC ANAEMIA:: Hypochromic anaemia is due to reduced amount of Hb in the RBC T…
BLOOD : Other RBC and Hb indices that help in the diagnosis of the anaemia are as fol…
COLOUR INDEX:: The colour index is defined as relative amount of haemoglobin present…
Anaemia:: Anaemia is a symptom complex or disease recognised by fall in oxygen carryi…
Blood Transfusion Incompatibility: Mismatching of blood first results in agglutinatio…
Functions of Hb: 1. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide .(For detail see function o…
NORMAL Hb content in the body : Normally 14.5 gm of Hb in 100cc of blood is considere…
Life Span:RBC lives in the blood for 3-4 months Fate of RBC: when RBC gets old becom…
Description various cells during erythropoiesis: Haemocytoblast is a big endothelial …
The stepwise production of erythrocytes is described by the figure (colour plate): st…
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