Tissue Fluid::
Like the closed circulatory system carrying blood there is another closed system of vessels carrying lymph fluid in between these systems and the tissue cells there are minute intercellular spaces filled up with tissue fluid in other words this is an ocean in which billions of cellular minute islands exist interchanges of liquid gaseous nutrients and metabolic end products i.e metabolites pass either way to and fro from the cells
Formation of tissue fluid ::
Interstitial tissue fluid (ITF) is derived from the oozing of the blood capillaries and products of tissue activities ITF formation from the blood capilliaries depends upon (a) permeability of the capillaries (b) differential pressure between capilaries and ITF and (c) the differential in colloidal osmotic pressure of blood and that of tissue fluid thus it is clear that increase in capillary permeabiliy will increase the ITF formation hydrostatic blood pressure (HBP) forces the deproteinised plasma to move out whereas the osmotic pressure (op) of the plasma proteins produces an inward pull of fluid thus the net result is interstitial tissue fluid formation (HBP) -(OP)=ITF At the arterial end the balance is towards formation of ITF However at the venous capillary end the balance is more towards formation of plasma
The tissue cell metabolic activity forms the ITF Greater the activity larger is the quantity of water formed as an end product of metabolism
ITF composition is not constant it undergoes to and fro exchanges between tissue lymph and blood the composition is nearly the same as that of lymph with a low proteins and hence low OP it consists of 94% H2O with 6% solids containing carbohydrates proteins fats metabolites like urea and creatinine and inorganic ions like chloride p.ca NPN etc
plasma fluid interstitial fluid or tissue fluid and lymph try to keep up equity human health depends on maintenance of this equilibrium called homeostasis