BLOOD PRESSURE Definition :: Blood pressure is defined as lateral pressu…
HEART RATE Normal heart rate at different phases of life is as u…
CARDIAC OUTPUT Definition : The ventricles of the heart pum…
HEART SOUNDS In all there are four heart sounds The first and…
NORMAL ECG:: When impulses are formed in SA node potential is not observed as soon as…
ECG:: Leads:: These are the pair of connections between two parts of the body There a…
Heart Sound Records(phonocardiogram/echocardiogram):: The heart sound can be recorded…
Prodiastolic and isomertric relaxation period:: The aorta and pulmonary trunk recoil …
Isometric Ventricular contraction period: As ventricular systole starts the atriovent…
CARDIAC-CYCLE Definition: It is the sequence of events during a cardiac beat various c…
Nutrition of the cardiac muscle:: 1. ATP: Energy for the heart is obtained in the for…
PHYSIOLOGY OF HEART Properties of the Cardiac Muscle:: 1.Excitability or lrritability…
Factors Affecting Coronary Flow:: Blood flow to the coronary vessels is continuous bo…
PULMONARY CIRCULATION:: It is a short circuit which arises from the right ventricle a…
The Venous System (part 02) :: The common iliac veins are formed by the union of inte…
The Venous System (part01) All the systemic veins return blood to the right atrium of…
The Arterial System (part-2):: After passing through abdomen the aorta (now called a…
The Arterial System (part-1) The main artery arising from the left ventricle is the a…
BLOOD VESSELS AND THE CIRCULATION::: Blood circulates all over the body through the b…
HEART PART IN AORTA:: The aorta which is the biggest artery of the body starts from t…
1.Right Atrium:: It is above and to the right of the heart it has thin walls with an …
CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM:: Cardio-vascular system is a closed circulatory transport sys…
Type I or Anaphylaxis:: It is a swifit sudden and severe form of allergy occuring as a…
ALLERGY:: Allergy is one of the consequence of immunological response involving antig…
SUSCEPTIBLE GROUPS 1.Homosexual men 2.Recipients of blood and blood products 3.Per…
THE RETICULO ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM (RES) RES is a unique type of system composed of orga…
ANTIBODIES:: Antibodies are the substances (usually gammaglobulins) produced in the s…
The acquired immunity has several other characteristics:: (1) It possesses memory in …
IMMUNITY:: Immunity is the ability of the living body or the processes ther…
Complement System: The term complement system refers to a group of atleast 20 differe…
Interferons:: Interferons are small proteins released by the certain body cells and m…
End results of Acute Inflammation:: End results of acute inflammation mainly depend up…
Phenomenon of inflammation: Vasodilatation: Whenever there is entry of an irritan…
Fever:(Pyrexia) It means abnormally high body temperature in response…
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