Heart Sound Records(phonocardiogram/echocardiogram)::
The heart sound can be recorded using suitable equipment phonocardiograph or ecocardiograph The first heart sound is recorded on the closure of AV valves Second heart sound can be recorded at the time to the closure of semilunar valves Two small sounds are recorded during the sudden rush of blood into the ventricles
All the periods of cardiac cycle can be summarized in some authors describe the events of cardiac cycle based on systole and diastole of ventricles Early systole mid systole and late systole early diastole mid diastole and late diastole period early systole is isometric ventricular contraction period midsystole is rapid ejection and slow ejection period late systole includes prodiastolic and isometric relaxation period Early diastole is rapid and slow inflow period late diastole indicates atrial systole.....
Graphical record of electric changes occuring during the cardiac cycle of the heart is known as Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) The instrument use to record ECG is known as electrocardiograph
principle of ECG::
If a U shaped magnet having two pole are placed a magnetic field is created in that area If in this area a wire is placed which is connected to a battery and a galvanometer the needle will show deflection which will depend on the voltage and the direction of the current The same principle is a applied here Instead of magnet electromagnets are taken and the body serves the purpose of a battery