When impulses are formed in SA node potential is not observed as soon as they reach atrial musculature within 0.04 sec potential rises by 0.2 mV and then fall to zero because of repolarization of the musculature the wave thus obtained is p wave
Next the impulses are picked up by AV node and spread through bundle of his and purkinje fibres there is no deflection so an isoelectric line is seen when impulses reach intermuscular septum a negative deflection is seen This is Q wave Immediately impulses spread in ventricular musculature and a big wave of 1.8 mV is seen this is R wave
After this there is again a pause or isoelectric line and the ventricular repolarization occurs which give a deflection of 0.4 mV This is the QT wave
Important events/intervals of electrocardiogram on bipolar leads
P 0.2mV 0.08 sec atrial depolarization
QRS 1.8mV 0.06 Ventricular depolarization
T 0.4mV 1.12sec Ventricular repolarization
P-R interval --- 0.12-0.2sec Indicates the conduction of
impulse from SA node to
node to AV node
ST segment -- 0.12sec
QT interval -- 0.4sec