Absorption of digested food material from g.i tract :: absorption of digested food mat…
Functions of Large Intestine:: 1.Absorption of water and formation of solid stool 2.A…
LARGE INTESTINE::: ILeum of the small intestine merges in the large intestine there i…
Digestive Functions of Intestine:: Pancreatic Secretion: This is the secretion from …
MOVEMENTS OF SMALL INTESTINE:: The movements of small intestine are important to mix …
Histological Characteristics of Small Intestine:: Like other parts of gastrointestina…
SMALL INTESTINE:: It is a coiled up tubular structure which consists of three part…
Functions of stomach::: 1. Mechanical functions::(a) it act as a reservoir of food (b…
GASTRIC JUICE AND MECHANISM OF ITS SECRETION:: Gastric juice : The glands in the mucu…
STOMACH:: It is J-shaped hollow organ lying in the abdomen under the d…
PHARYNX:: It is a tubal space situated between the mouth and the oesop…
Saliva:: It is the mixed secretion of all the glands in the oral cavit…
SALIVARY GLANDS:: There are three pairs of major salivary glands :(1) parotid (2) Sub…
TEETH There are 16+16=32 teeth in the mouth and are fixed in their soc…
TONGUE:: The tongue is at the base of the mouth with its one third lyi…
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The digestive system comprises of the gastrointestinal tr…
Cardiac -arrhythmias:: It is the disorder of origin rate rhythm conduction …
CARDIAC DISORDERS Angina Pectoris :: It is a clinical syndrome due to myoc…
Thrombo-angitis obliterans:: It is a disease adversely effecting the blood flow chara…
Ischaemia:: It is a temporary sudden loss of blood supply to a particular part of the…
VASCULAR DISORDERS:: Hypertension: It is a chronic increase in arterial blood pressur…
RADIAL PULSE Definition :: its is a wave of pulse on the arterial vessels wall generat…
ACTION OF ANGIOTENSION II: Angiotensin II produces three major effects: (a) Rapid pr…
RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM:: This is one of the most important system regulating blood …
Physiological Variations:: Physiological variations occur for systolic blood pressure…
Factors Maintaining BP: Number of factors co-ordinate to maintain the normal blood pr…
METHODS OF BP MEASUREMENT:: BP is commonly measured by the sphygmonometer commonly us…
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