The tongue is at the base of the mouth with its one third lying in front and one third in the posterior part of oral cavity it is a musculo membranous structure with taste buds and papillae on its surface and sensory organs the tongue is a mobile organ with a tip body and a base its movement is governed by a number of muscles through their nerve supply
Histologically it consists of (a) stratified and cornified epithelium (b) voluntary cross striated muscle fibres and (c) glands
Epithelium of the tongue is modified into papillae and tastebuds papillae may be (1) Filiform (2) Fungiform and (3) circumvallate
filiform papillae are narrow and conical distributed all over the surface of the tongue the taste buds are absent in filiform papillae
structure of the tongue |
muscle fibres in the tongue interlace each other and this is a unique feature thus in section fibres are seen cut in all directions fibro elastic tissue lies in between the muscles
glands of the tongue may be mucous serous and or lymph glands