ILeum of the small intestine merges in the large intestine there is an ileocaecal valve at the junction which guards he entry of food in the large intestine (colon) colon measures about 1.5 metres in length it is subdivided into 1.caecum with its appendix 2.Ascending colon 3.Transverse colon 4.descending colon and 5.Sigmoid or pelvic colon 
        Structurally it resembles the small intestine in general large intestine is large in diameter and not in length the inner mucus membrane folds are semilunar and there are no villi whatsoever the goblet cells secrete mucus the lymph nodules are under the mucus membrane all along its course the muscular coats are circular and longitudinal the longitudinal muscle is in the form of three lengthwise bands called taenia coli intestine bulge out a little in between the strips of taenia coli the serous membrane also sends out projections in which fat accumulates 


caecum is the first part of the colon situated in the right iliac fossa lleocaecal junction is guarded by ileocaecal valve which opens one way and does not allow the food to travel back to the small intestine 

Appendix ::

appendix is a worm like blind projection from the caecum projecting generally downwards it is less than 1cm in thickness and 5-8 cm in length the wall is full of lymph nodules and lymphatic sometimes the appendix gets inflammed and then it becomes a medical and or surgical emergency it is a vestigeal organ and does not have any function in the body 

Ascending Colon::

it is situated vertically on the right side of the abdomen it continues from the caecum and merges with the transeverse colon under the inferior surface of the liver 

Transverse Colon :: 

it lies transversely below the stomach it is suspended by its own mesentery from the posterior abdominal wall it reaches to the left below the spleen to merge (under the splenic corner)with the descending colon 

Descending Colon :: 

it is situated vertically on the left side of the abdomen it continues from the transverse colon and merges with the sigmoid colon 

Sigmoid Colon::

it is also called pelvic colon because it lies in the pelvis it is situated to the left it forms loops and has a mesentery of its own 

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