Vitamin D:: Chemistry: vitamin D is a sterol it has more than 6 components …
FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS They are four types in vitamin 1.vitanmin A 2. vitamin D 3.vit…
VITAMINS Defination:: vitamins are the organic catalysts found in food in m…
FAT METABOLISM:: After absorption fat enters lymphatics then enters the general circul…
Protein Metabolism:: proteins are the essential constituents of all living cells they…
CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM:: Enzymatic hydrolysis of carbohydrate forms glucose in gastr…
METABOLISM OF FOOD All biochemical changes that occur in the human body are grouped t…
Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids:: Saturated fatty acids have all the carbon ato…
LIPIDS Lipids are heterogeneous group of compounds with same prop…
SOURCES OF PROTEINS:: The best sources of protein are animal sources like meat fish p…
Functions of Proteins:: 1.Building Block:: The most important function of prot…
proteins Classification:: A. Simple proteins e.g. albumins globulins glutelins protam…
Sources of Carbohydrate:: The best sources of carbohydrates are cereals like rice whe…
Funcations of Carbohydrates:: 1. Energy Supply:: The most important function of carb…
disaccharides:: Disaccharides are the compounds which yield 2 molecules of the same or…
CARBOHYDRATES:: Carbohydrates are aldehydes and ketone derivatives of polyhydric alco…
NATURE OF WORK CALORIE REQUIREMENT :: Further the calorie requirement varies with the…
AVERAGE DAILY REQUIREMENT OF CALORIES:: Even if we lie down in bed without food we ne…
FOOD CONSTITUENT AND THEIR RATIO:: Different constituents of food such as carbohydrat…
ADEQUATE BALANCED DIET :: We eat to live and do not live to eat therefore one must ev…
NUTRITION AND HEALTH:: Nutrition (nutrie means breast feed or nurse) is defined as th…
DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:: Peptic ulcer Disease:: It is a circumscribed ulcerati…
DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ::: Gastritis:: It is an acute or chronic inflammation …
DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Constipation:: It is a condition in which defecation is…
Bile Juice:: Bile is a secretory as well as an excretory products of the liver common…
GALL BLADDER ANATOMY::Gall bladder is a sac like structure which serves as the reservo…
PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LIVER::(PART03) 7.Store House:: The liver stores glycogen vitamins …
PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LIVER (PART02) 3.FAT METABOLISM:: 1.Fats are synthesised and stored …
PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LIVER ::(part 01) Liver is the lever of body mechanisms in one sens…
LIVER Anatomy the liver is a wedge shaped organ lying in the upper ibdomen …
PANCREAS:: Anatomy:It is a mixed type of gland consisting of two parts the exocrine a…
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