Nutrition (nutrie means breast feed or nurse) is defined as the function of living organism concerned with intake of proper food its assimilation and metabolism thereby providing energy and material for built up and maintenance of cell tissue constituents the term food and nutrition are often used synonymously through it is not justifiable food is either a composite mixture of substances like proteins carbohydrates fats vitamins and minerals or just a substance containing one or few of these constituents essentially carbohydrates proteins and fats form the major part of food it may or may not contain certain neccessory food factors like vitamin or minerals A food with protein may not contain essential amino acids required nutrition signifies a balanced food requirement or Adequate balanced diet Nutrition has emerged on as a science ending a formula for an ideal diet considering individual needs The subject of nutrition targets prevention of malnutrition and diseases associated with over nutrition like obesity hypervitaminosis etc
Malnutrition is a state of relative or absolute deficiency or excess of one of more nutrients in the body common deficiency diseases in india are grouped into protein energy malnutrition (PEM) disorders they commonly manifest as kwashiorkar and marasmus these two diseases are supposed to be deficiency of proteins and /or calories and are largely seen in pre school children anaemia is another malnutrition disease common in india goitre (due to iodine deficiency) is common in some parts of india
Disturbed nutrition may also play a role in the causation of several chronic diseases such as hypertension coronary artery disease diabetes etc.Special diets are required for the management of many diseases like galactosemia and phenylketonuria
classification of Food::
food has been classified into five groups from the biochemical point of view :(1) Proteins (2) Carbohydrates (3) Fats (4) vitamin and (5) Mineral water is also considered as essential type of food food may also be classified on the basis of their predominant functions as follows
Energy yielding food::
These food are rich in carbohydrates and fats e.g cereals sugars starch honey jellies etc
Anabolic (body building ) food::
These food are rich in proteins e.g.meat liver fish milk pulses eggs etc
Accessory food::
These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals e.g milk leafy vegetables legumes fruits and liver