We eat to live and do not live to eat therefore one must evolve a formula for an ideal diet for ones self requisites of an adequate balanced (normal) diet are the following constituents :1.Carbohydrates 2.Proteins 3.fats 4.Vitamins 5. Mineral salts and 6.water
Functions of Different Constituents::
Functions of carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins mineral salts and water have been described in details with their respective metabolisms however to summarise:
1.Carbohydrates are meant for energy .
2. Proteins are useful for muscle growth and bodys wear and tear
3. Fats are for energy reserve and building of nervous tissue Carbohydrates proteins and fats also serve as the essential constituents of the protoplasm of the living cell
4. Vitamins are accessary food factors non calorific in nature required in minute quantities they act as organic catalysts of the intricate metabolic and other biochemical processes of the body therefore they are must in the diet
5.Mineral salts vitamins are required in minute traces and have no calorific food value they are found singularly and in groups so critically interwoven with our life mechanisums that human life would be impossible without them
6.Water the universal solvent is one may say the nectar of life next to air it is of vital importance to the human body though it has no calorific value as such