Different constituents of food such as carbohydrates proteins and fats are required to be taken in the proportions of 60-70% 10-15% and 20-30% C:P:F respectively
The above mentioned diet provides 1800-2400 Kcal approx 400g carbohydrates 50-70 g each of proteins and 40-60 g fats in addition it also provides adequate amount of vitamins and minerals
fish and egg may be consumed 2-3 times per week
dos and donts about nutrition::To get the best nutrition from foods observe proper technique in (1) Preservation (2) Dressing (3) Cooking and (4) Serving of food fruits and vegetables should be washed well they should be eaten as fresh and dressed well food should be preserves in cool place intact
1.Cooking water should not be in excess Dont cook for too long Dont use baking soda Excess of water in cooking should be used with only some preparation make chatni salad raita etc from excess of leaty vegetables and fruits with their skin intact
2.Serve warm just after cooking take fruit juice fresh and cold calorific values from the adequate balanced diet calorific value of different constituents of diet and their total quantities required per day
(24 hours ) for an adult doing average work have been calculated and are as follows
Carbohydrates::400 gms.*4.1 c.=1640 c
Proteins :: 100 gms *4.1 c =410 c
Fats:100 gms *9.3 c =930 c
=2980 c
N.B.: 1 K calorie=c=1000 cal
Approximately 3000 c are required per day by an adult in his diet 10% is lost in cooking digestion and absorption etc therefore to compensate this loss of 300 c i.e 10% of total food calories required are 3300 c per day