All biochemical changes that occur in the human body are grouped together as metabolism this consists of two distinct processes going on in the body simultaneously :1.Building up processes or synthesis known as anabolism and 2.Breaking down processes or disintegration known as catabolism in other words metabolic is anabolism and catabolism occuring simultanneously metabolic processes start after absorption of food and continue till they are metabolized at cellular level and /or final products are excreted from the body After digestion food is absorbed and then metabolised final products of digestion of food are : 1.Glucose from carbohydrates 2.Amino acids from proteins and 3.Fatty acids and glycerol from fats
Apart from carbohydrates proteins and fats there are certain accessory food factors found in our food which play an important role in metabolism they are vitamins and minerals All foods invariably contain water we drink water as such and also in the form of drinks Body itself also synthesizes water thats why water is an important constituent of metabolism
When the body is at its physical physiological and psychological rest certain essential processes are continuously going on such as circulation respiration etc The metabolism which takes place to provide the energy for such essential mechanisms is known as Basal Metabolism
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the quantity of heat given out by the body per sq meter of surface area per hour when the body is in a post-absorptive period 12 hour after food and when it is at its full physical physiological and psychological rest in an atmosphere of optimum temperature pressure and moisture
It is 40k cal per sq metre of body surface area per hour for adult male 37 K cal for adult female indian norms are slightly lower than these
BMR Determination::
It is measured by Benedict Roth apparatus by determining oxygen consumption per minute the respiratory quotient by knipps respiratory apparatus and the surface area determinatiohn is obtained from the height weight area chart which gives reading
Factors Affecting BMR::
Age sex surface area climate food habit barometric pressure pregnancy temperature of the body hormones drugs etc affect the basal metabolic rate
Importance of BMR::
(1) Strudying the effects of different foods and drugs on metabolic rate
(2) prescribing a diet of perticular calorific value in diseases and for reducing maintaining or increasing body weight as necessary and
(3) Confirming the diagnosis of certain diseases like thyroid diseases