iron metabolism
Absorption::It is poorly absorbed from the intestine Absorption is increased by vit D bile high protein diet and acid reaction its absorption is reduced by excessive phosphorous and alkalinity of the intestine insouluble calcium phosphate is not absorbed milk calcium is best absorbed Calcium absorption and metabolism are regulated by the thyroid parathyroid and the suprarenal cortex hormones Calcitonin of the thyroid lowers its absorption vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption Excretion::It is mostly excreted by the faeces amd partly in the urine Funcation ::1.It is essential for the bones and teeth 2.It is essential for the contraction of the cardiac muscle 3.It is essential for clotting of the blood in its ionic form 4.Neuromuscular contractility is controlled by calcium 5.Capillary permeability is controlled by calcium 6.It coagulates milk in the stomach 7Calcium activates some important enzyme reactions e.g ATPases various lipases etc Deficiency::Calcium deficiency gives rise to rickets in babies and adolescents its deficiency results in osteomalacia in multipara mothers Low calcium level sometimes give rise to tetancy a condition resulting in carpo pedal spasm of the hands rarely hypervitaminosis of calcium precipitates maldeposition of calcium in important organs with serious consequences in little babies