Chronic iodine toxicity results when iodide intake is 20 time greater than the daily requirement i.e.2 mg /day in some areas particularly japan inhabitants consume as mach as 50 to 80 mg/day resulting in high plasma levels some of these persons develop goiter but most remain euthyroid some develop myxedema and some paradoxically develop hyperthyroidism (Jod-Bsedow phenomenon ) increased uptake of iodine by the thyroid may lead to inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis (Wolff-Chaikoff effect) and eventually causes iodide goiter or myxedema at very high doses of iodide a brassy taste with increased salivation gastric irritation and anceiform skin lesions may occur
Copper ::
It is required in about 2 mg quantity It is widely distributed in sea water plants vegetables milk brain liver etc Liver is the main site of storage
Copper is required with iron for the synthesis of haemoglobin it is also a component of enzymes neccessary for the formation of melanin pigment Disturbance of copper metabolism may cause wilson s disease in this disease there is a fall in plasma ceruloplasmin and increase in copper content of brain and liver leading to neurological disturbances and liver damage
sulfur is an important constituent of all proteins and some vitamins (thiamine and biotin ) Thus sources of sulfur are beef or lamb liver fish poultry eggs cheese beans etc Besides proteins sulfur is also found in keratin cartilages and nervous tissue (as sulfolipids) As a component of proteins hormones enzymes and vitamins sulfur regulates various body activities and forms the building materials