There are two seperate neural mechanisms that regulate respiration one is responsible for voluntary control and the other for autonomic control The voluntary system is lacated in the cerebral cortex and sends out impulses to the respiratory motor neurons via corticospinal tracts The autonomic system is located in the pons and medulla oblongata and sends the impulses to the respiratory motor neurons
The autonomic system in the pons and medulla oblongata is collectively described as respiratory centres There are two groups of neurons in the respiratory centre The dorsal group of neurons is the source of rhythmic drive to phrenic motor neurons it is composed of only inspiratory cells and recieves afferent impulses from respiratory mechanism and chemoreceptors The ventral group gives off impulses to intercostal nerves and recieves impulses through the respective vagus nerves The ventral respiratory group is composed of both inspiratory and expiratory cells that stimulate or inhibit dorsal respiratory group rhythmically
Respiratory centres as described earlier consist of the inspiratory centres and expiratory centre Respiratory centre sends the impulses rhythmically and is inhibited intermittenty by the expiratory centres it is from the respiratory centres that efferent impulses reach the muscles of respiration The impulses are transmitted to the diaphragm by the phrenic nerves from lower level of the spinal cord nervous impulses pass from the thoracic part through the intercostal nerves to stimulate the intercostal muscles Such impulses produce rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
The mechanics mechanism and regulation and regulation of respiration