THALAMUS ::: It is a large oval mass of grey matter situated on either side of the th…
HYPOTHALAMUS ::: It is a part of fore -brain situated below the thalamus It is the mo…
MID BRAIN :: It forms the connecting link for the fore brain and the hind b…
CEREBELLUM:: It is the biggest part of the hind brain and is situated behind the pons…
PONS:: It is a massive rounded structure situated between the mid brain and medulla ob…
Medulla-oblongata ::: It is a conically expanded continuation of upper part of th…
THE BRAIN Brain has three basic functions :: 1.Detection…
Types of Reflexes :: There are mainly two types of reflexes :; 1.Unconditioned or Inb…
REFLEX ACTION :: It is an instantaneous involuntary effector response produced due to…
THE SPINAL CORD :: It is a long cylindrical anterio posteriorly flattened nervous cord…
The divisions of Nervous System :: Anatomically the nervous system is divided into tw…
ION CHANNELS :: Ion channels are the components of both intracellular and extracellula…
CHEMICAL TRANSMISSION AT SYNAPTIC CLEFT LEVEL --------------------------------------…
NERVOUS SYSTEM :: Propagation of the action potential :: A propagated action potenti…
ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION IN THE NERVE :: Every excitable tissue including a nerve fibr…
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A NERVE FIBRE :: Excitability or Irritability:: it i…
NERVOUS SYSTEM ::: Nervous system is the system that controls and intergrates the fun…
OTHER RESPIRATORY DISORDERS Pharyngitis :: It is the inflammation of pharynx it may …
ABNORMAL TYPES OF RESPIRATION 4.Anoxia :: It is a condition showing lack of oxygen a…
ABNORMAL TYPES OF RESPIRATION 1. Periodic Breathing or Cheyne Stoke s breathing :: H…
MODIFIED PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPIRATION Laughing sneezing coughing hyperpnoea are all phy…
CARDIAC RESUSCITATION Many a times cardiac activity is ceased alongwith the stopage …
MOUTH TO MOUTH METHOD :: This method is the simplest and the most efficacious Patient …
Eve s rocking method :: In this method the patient is tied on a stretcher the head an…
HOLGER NIELSON METHOD :: This is method has been described in 1. Patient is made to…
ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION It is indicated when respiration stops but heart continues to…
VITAL CAPACITY ::: It is the volume of air that can be breathed out by forced expirat…
RESPIRATORY VOLUMES These can be studied by an instrument called spir…
CHLORIDE SHIFT ::: The membrane of red blood cells is not permeable to K+ and Na+ but…
TRANSPORT MECHANISMS FOR OXYGEN :: Transport of O2 from the lungs to the tissues and v…
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