Eve s rocking method ::
In this method the patient is tied on a stretcher the head and feet are alternately tilted through and angle of 45` the head and feet are alternately tilted through an angle of 45` the movements are carried out eight to nine times per minute giving 7 seconds for movement Four seconds are given for movement of head and 3 seconds for movement at feet when the head is down the weight at the abdominal viscera presses against the diaphragm so that the air is pushed out of the lungs when feet are directed downwards diaphragm descends and air is drawn into the lungs
Drinkers Method ::
Patient is kept in the air tight chamber with the head outside The pressure of the chamber is decreased or increased when the pressure is lowered the chest expends and air passes into the lungs when the pressure is raised chest becomes compressed and air comes out in this way artificial respiration is maintained the instrument used is iron Lung Apparatus
Iron lung ::
It works on the principle of increasing and decreasing extrathoratic pressure in a closed airtight glass box of iron frame with rubber opening for the head and feet ends fitting tightly Pressure can be administrated and released by hand pump or electrical automatic pump in war time wounded and unconscious soldiers are brought to hospitals in war planes being kept active by iron lungs
Bragg paul s method ::
In this method a rubber bag is wrapped round the chest wall of the subject BY suitable pumps pressure in the bag is alternately raised and lowered thus compressing and relaxing the chest wall alternately in this way respiration is carried out