There are 3 internal ovarian secretions namely (1) oestradiol (2) oestrone and (3) Oestriol From the functional point of view these are closely interrelated They are secreted by the interstitial cells of stroma and Graffian follicles maximum secretion being at the time of ovulation They are also secreted during pregnancy by the placenta besides ovaries and placenta oestrogen is also secreted by the adrenal cortex
Functions of Oestrogen ::
1.Puberty changes or secondary sex characters in female such as appearance of pubic and axillary hair development of breasts etc
2.Development and growth of vagina uterus fallopian tubes and ovaries i.e. the sex apparatus in female
3.The development of endometrium of uterus during proliferative stage of menstrual cycle depends on the secretions of oestrogens from the ovaries
4.Growth of the uterus during pregnancy
5.It has synergistic action with progesterone both during menstruation and pregnancy
6.Its actions are interrelated with pituitary and thymus gland
7.Stimulation of protein metabolism
8.Stimulation of fat metabolism
9.Skeletal growth is also stimulated by oestrogen
10.Water balance is favoured with deposition of water
11.Libido is inspired