NON LIVING SOURCES :: 1.WATER :: water is often contaminated with germs some times wi…
SPREAD OF INFECTION :: 1.HUMAN SOURCES :: The contacts carriers and convalescent pers…
SPORADIC :: These are the diseases which are scattered and occur here and there occasi…
Introduction to some Useful Terms :: These are several special terms with reference t…
General Characteristics of Bacteria :: Bacteria are found everywhere in air water veg…
BACTERIA :: These are unicellular organisms that appear to be between animals and pla…
VIRUSES :: These are ultra microscopic obligatory intracellular parasites resistant t…
INFECTION :: It is the successful invasion of the pathogenic microbes follo…
SPREAD AND PREVENTION OF INFECTION :: Hygiene is the term which refers to health educa…
Cardiovascular changes :: Major changes are seen in cardiovascular system There is a …
PHYSIOLOGY OF AGEING :: Gerontology is a multidisciplinary study of old age from vari…
DISEASES OF SKIN :: Acne :: It is a common inflammatory pilo -sebaceous disease found…
FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN :: 1.Protection : The skin protects the internal parts of body …
SKIN :: Structure :: Skin has multiple layers of cells which are divided into 1.Epide…
DISEASES OF KIDNEY :: Calculi :: Stone formation in the urinary tract is caused by an…
ACID -BASE IMBALANCES :: Normally the buffer systems respiratory system and kidneys fu…
RESPIRATION :: The respiratory system also plays an important role in maintaining pH …
ACID-BASE BALANCE In a healthy person the PH of the extracellular fluid ranges from …
TUBULAR SECRETION :: Further the substances which are not found in the filtrate are a…
Tubular reabsorption :: Nearly 175 litres of deproteinised plasma is filtered out thro…
PHYSIOLOGY OF URINE FORMATION :: Physiology of Urine Formations :: All above ment…
Functions of the Kidney :: Kidneys try to maintain the optimum qualitative and quanti…
NEPHRON :: Structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron There are abou…
RENAL CIRCULATION :: Kidney has a rich arterial supply through respective renal …
EXCRETORY SYSTEM :: Channels of Excretion:: Kidneys skin liver lungs digestive tract …
OTHER SEX RELATED DISEASES :: Aequired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) :: Syphilis :…
DISORDERS OF MENSTRUATION :: Dysmenorrhea :: It is painful menstruation which may beg…
DISEASES OF THE FEMALE SEX ORGANS :: Acute mastitis :: It is an acute inflammation of…
DISEASES OF THE MALE SEX ORGANS :: Epididymorchitis :: It is an inflammation of the t…
THE LABORATORY BABY OR TEST-TUBE BABY :: Many a times in some cases there is a blacka…
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