GUINEAWORM :: It is also named as Dracunculus medinensis it has been prevalent in Raj…
HOOKWORM :: There are mainly two species of hookworms :: (1) Ancylostoma duodenale …
THREADWORM (Oxyuris vermicularis):: This worm produces infection in children It is ve…
WORM INFECTION :: Worms are triploblastic animals and consist of three parts namely ep…
RABIES :: It is a viral disease caused usually after the bite of rabies infected dogs …
TETANUS :: It is a disease caused by bacteria Clostridium tetani These bacteria are …
Preventive Measures and Control ::plague All steps should be taken Sincerely and acti…
CILINICALLY OF PLAGUE :: Cilinically plague is characterised by high fever inflammati…
PLAGUE :: This is an infectious disease caused by Pasteurella pestis It is one of the…
DENGUE :: Dengue is a serious viral diseases transmitted by the bite of the mosquito …
FILARIASIS :: Filariasis is caused by wuchereria bancrofti and B. malayi it is transm…
METHOD OF PREVENTION IN MALARIA :: 1.Control of breeding of mosquitoes : Good drainag…
Malria Clinical Symptoms :: After the incubation period there are chills heat and seve…
Life Cycle of malarial parasite :: The life cycles of different species of human mala…
MALARIA :: It is a protozoal disease caused by parasites of the genus plasmodium Ther…
RODENTS :: They are hazardous to human health and also cause grea…
Contral of Arthropods :: 1.Environmental Control :: The most effective and permanent…
Influenza :: It is caused by variety of strains of influenza virus Fever headache chi…
Whooping Cough or pertussis :: It is caused by Bacillus pertussis The indrawing breat…
Tuberculosis :: It is a bacterial disease caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosi…
Prevention and Control of Air borne Diseases :: 1.The cases should be notified to the…
DROPLET AND AIR BORNE INFECTIONS :: These are the diseases the causative microbes of w…
Diarrhoea :: It is caused by Giardia intestinalis Proteus vulgaris Clos…
Dysentery :: This disease is characterised by occasional small stools with mucus and …
Cholera :: It is a bacterial diseases and it used to be endemic in certain parts of i…
Preventive Measures for water borne diseases :; 1.The disease should be notified to t…
Common Communicable Diseases :: The communicable or contagious or infectious diseases…
Disinfection :: This is an important aspect in prevention of infectious diseases Disi…
Notification :: There are number of diseases which are highly infectious and therefor…
PREVENTION OF INFECTION :: It is better to prevent a disease than to cure it To do th…
Parasites and vectors :: 1.Flies :; They carry germs on the…
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