Malria Clinical Symptoms ::
After the incubation period there are chills heat and severe rigor followed by sweat In the cold stage a person feels cold along with headache nausea and vomiting The next stage will be the hot stage in which he feels highly warm with severe headache This is followed by the sweating stage in which the skin becomes dry and hot with perspiration The temperature falls to normal rapidly Anaemia and enlargement of spleen and liver are common after the disease Anaemia follows because of breakdown of RBCs Spleen also enlarges because of RBC destruction Similarly liver also enlarges
Spread of malaria :::
Mosquitoes (female anopheles ) play an important role in the spread of malaria Infected human beings carrying gametocytes are another source of infection
Malarial infection is more common in areas where temperature is between 20-30.c with a relative humidity of about 65% Thus malaria is more common during August to November in India where such an environment exists
Species variations are observed with respect to malaria Negroes have partial immunity against malaria and have sensitivity to antimalarials especially chloroquine
Since mosquito is the vector of malarial parasite incidences of malaria is high at places where breeding of mosquitoes is more Irrigation canals leakage from canals marshy soil etc help in breeding of mosquitoes Rice cultivation area breeds the mosquitoes and spreads malaria In addition famine and overcrowding of areas also facilitate mosquito bite and therefore the transmission of malaria
Malignant type of malaria by plasmodium falciparum is dangerous as it may produce cerebral malaria Many a times it is fatal such parasites can be detected in cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) Obtained by lumbar puncture