The virus that causes AIDS is called human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) It was isolated in 1983 at pasteur institute in paris The virus belongs to family of retrovirus HIV virus is highly fragile and is easily destroyed by boiling steaming or by various chemicals this virus is present in large quantity mainly in the body fluids viz blood semen vaginal fluids This virus is also found in saliva sweat and tears but in these fluids it is found in very small Amount that infection is generally not transmitted through these fluids The infection is transmitted when blood seman or vaginal fluids comes in contact with blood and /or mucous membranes of an exposed persons
The virus gets transmitted in following ways :;
(a) Sexual contacts with AIDS - virus carriers (e.g. prostitutes)
(b) Sharing contaminated needles for injections razors or tooth brushes
(c) Blood transfusion or organ transplantation
(d) From infected mother to foetus or during the post natal period
Accordingly the groups susceptible or at risk are the following ::
(a) Homosexual or bisexual men with multiple partners
(b) Abusers of intravenous drugs
(c) Recipients of blood and blood products
(d) Persons having organs being transplanted from other who may be infected
(e) Women geting artificial insemination
(f) prostitutes
(g) Haitians and Africans
modes of Transmission % of infection
Sexual intercourse 75
Blood transfusion 5
Perinatal 10
injection drug use 10
Needle type exposure 0.1