These are infectious diseases that are transmitted by sexual intercourse with an infected person Following are sexually transmitted or Venereal diseases : 1.syphilis 2.Gonorrhoea 3. Chancroid 4.Granuloma inguinale 5.Lymphogranuloma venereum
out of these five diseases syphilis and gonorrhoea are the most commonly traced diseases
It is caused by a spirochete - Treponema pallidum The organisms are sensitive to cold dryness and soap The transmission of syphilis occurs after direct bodily contact of congenital organs syphilis is also transmitted through the placenta of an infected mother to its foetus
The disease progresses in four stages with a latent period in between each phase during which patients does not show any signs and symptoms of the disease
The symptoms of the first stage or primary stage occurs after an incubation period of 2-6 weeks lesions occur at the site of contact A painless hard sore called chancre develops on the penis in men and in the vagina or on the cervix of the uterus in women it is contagious and heals up within 3-4 weeks
Secondary stage of syphilis starts after 6 weeks to 6 months some patients may feel discomfort fever and generalised lesions of skin and mucous membranes Sometimes it may affect the eyes also
Tertiary stage starts after 2-3 years and during this stage visceral organs including heart and aorta are affected
Quarternary or the final fourth stage may start even after 20-30 years after the initial infection At this stage there is involvement of central nervous system leading to paralysis blindness and death
The disease is best treated during the first two phases The bacteria spirochaete are extreamly sensitive to penicillin and a long acting penicillin (Benzathine penicillin ) is usually administered for sustained action which is repeated after a proper interval