These are the hormonal pills containing progesterone with little estrogen these inhibit ovulation by feed back mechanism they also seem to prevent motility of the sperms There are four types of pills
1.Combination pills ::they contain both estrogen and progesterone The pill is taken daily for twenty one days a month The pills are to be taken from seventh day after the start of menstruation daily for 21 days During 5-7 days of the period lady is given placebo pills which contain only lactose or glucose etc These tablets are coloured red and are given just to continue the chain The withdrawal bleeding occurs 3-6 days after the pills are stopped
2.Sequential pills :: Here only estrogen is given for first seven days and then combination of estrogen and progesterone for 14 days
3.Mini pills : These contain only progesterone Such pills are taken only once a month but they have harmful effects
4.Morning after pill :: it contains only estrogen and is taken the next morning after the coitus
Side Effects after Prolonged Use :: Painful breasts nausea vomiting change in weight vaginal bleeding increase of sugar and fat in the blood are the common side effects observed after long term use of oral contraceptives
Although the incidence is infrequent a definite relationship has been established between the pill and blood clots (in the legs and less frequently in the lungs brain and heart ) A clot that reaches the lungs brain or heart can be fatal One of every 2000 women using the pill develops blood clots especially clots in the leg veins which are not of much clinical significance
Some users of the pill tend to develop high blood pressure but that is mild and can be cured by discontinuing the pill Studies suggest a higher risk of heart attack (due to clot ) among women who use the pill especially among women in the 40-44 years age -group There is no evidence that women taking the pill are at greater risk for cancer Simple liver tumours occur very rarely in women who are on the pill
Worth Thinking ::
Women with a history of blood clots should not use the pill Women who have cancer of the breast or uterus should not use the pill A woman doubting pregnancy should not take the pill Women over 40 years of age should not use the pill since there is greater risk of heart attack among pill users between 40-44 years
Health problems such as migraine headaches mental depression fibroids of the uterus heart or kidney disease asthma high blood pressure diabetes or epilepsy may be made worst by use of the pill
Long -Term Effect on Ability to Have Children ::
It is wrong to think that using the pill will prevent a woman from becoming pregnant even after she stops taking the pill
To avoid any possibility of defect in the foetus a woman should wait three months after discontinuing the pill before becoming pregnant During these three months she should use any other family planning method After childbirth the woman should consult her doctor before restarting the pill This is very true if she is to breast feed her baby