When two or more drugs are taken at the same time there is a possibility that the diagnostic preventive therapeutic or another action of the drug in the body is modified by another exogenous chemical or drug This is drug-interaction The causes of drug -interactions are as follows ::
(a) Administration of two or more drugs simultaneously ::
It is a common practice to prescribe more drugs at a time As many as 14 drugs have reported to be prescribed at a time in cardiovascular diseases This is sometimes referred to as therapeutical jungle or polypharmacy This is one of the main causes of drug interactions
(b) Patients may visit many doctors ::
Sometimes a patient is not satisfied by one doctor and may consult other doctor without informing about the previous consulation with the first doctor This may result in taking drugs which may interact each other
(c) Concurrent use of prescribed and non - prescribed drugs ::
A patient may take drugs like aspirin antacids etc which are available without physicians prescription (O.T.C or Over the counter drugs ) if such patients are on the drugs prescribed by physician e.g. digoxin or tetracyclines the drug -interaction may occur and may be detrimental to the patient
(d) Patients non-compliance ::
Sometimes the patient does not comply with the instructions given by the physician and may take food material which is being prohibited for example with monoamine oxidase inhibitor cheese is contraindicated This may result into severe hypertensive crisis