DRUGS ACTING BY OTHER MECHANISMS NMDA Receptor Antagonists :: Phencyclidine phencycl…
VIGABATRIN :: It is y-vinyl GABA It produces irreversible inhibition of GABA transmin…
DIAZEPAM AND CLONAZEPAM :: They prevent chemically induced seizures and suppress spre…
DRUGS ACTING THROUGH GABA Sodium Valproate :: It is an antiepileptic agent effec…
LAMOTRIGINE :: It is useful as adjunctive therapy in adults with partial and generali…
OXACARBAZEPINE :: It is a ketoderivative of carbamazepine Its uses are similar to car…
ETHOSUCCIMIDE AND PHENSUCCIMIDES :: They are mainly useful in petit -mal epilepsy…
PHARMACOKINETICS :: It is absorbed well from g.i.tract and part of the drug is bound …
ADVERSE EFFECTS :: Therapeutic dose may cause hypertrophy or hyperplasia of gums hirs…
Phenytoin Diphenylhydantoin or Dilantin (DPH) :: It produces anti-epileptic action wi…
ANTI EPILEPTIC DRUGS :: Anti epileptic drugs may produce their effects by the followin…
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF EPILEPSY :: During epilepsy there occurs (a) high frequency of act…
CAUSES OF EPILEPSY :: Epilepsy affects about 0.5-1% of the population it can occur at…
ANTI-EPILEPTICS :: Epilepsy is a chronic CNS disorder characterized by brief episodes…
ALCOHOL ADDICTION :: Alcohol is an addictive agent with a quick tolerance Alcohol add…
CHRONIC TOXICITY :: Alcohol causes slow and progressive degeneration of the nervous s…
TOXICITY OF ALCOHOL :: As mentioned under pharmacological actions the effects of alco…
THERAPEUTIC USES :: 1.As a hypnotic in habituated persons and mild tranquilizer in th…
PHARMACOKINETICS :: It is absorbed quickly from the stomach the remaining is absorbed…
GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT :: Alcoholic preparations act as bitters and produce tingling …
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM :: In small doses it does not affect cardiac out put nor does i…
SYSTEMIC ACTIONS :: It acts more or less on all systems of the body The actions on th…
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONS :: Pharmacologically alcohol is a CNS depressant Since the de…
UREIDES :: (I) Glutethimide and (ii) methylprylene are hypnotics with 6 hrs of action…
CHLORAL HYDRATE :: Chloral hydrate is cheap and age old hypnotic which is often combi…
BROMIDES :: Bromides of sodium potassium and ammonium are given orally They absorb in…
THERAPEUTIC USES OF BENZODIAZEPINES :: The conjugated products are excreted through k…
BENZODIAZEPINES PHARMACOKINETICS :: All the benzodiazepines are well absorbed orally …
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