EMANOGOGUES :: These drugs are mini ecbolics when used in minidoses since they contra…
PROSTAGLANDINS :: The endometrium and the myometrium of the uterus have significant s…
OXYTOCIN :: Oxytocin is the hormone secreted from posterior pitutary gland It is prep…
ERGOTOXINE :: It has lost its therapeutic importance because of its toxicity However …
ECBOLICS :: These drugs produce the contraction of the uterus so as to expell its con…
SEX ORGANS AND DRUGS :: Various drugs have been researched out both for men and women…
EXPECTORANTS :: The expectorants are those which increase the secretions of the respi…
ANTI-TUSSIVE (ANTI-COUGH) AGENTS :: The drugs used for immediate symptomatic relief o…
METHYLXANTHINES :: They possess smooth muscle relaxing properties and therefore cause…
Disodium Cromoglycate (Cromolyn Sodium) :: It is an insoluble salt that is not absorb…
Bronchial asthma can be treated by drugs different modes of action as follows :: (a) …
Pathophysiology of bronchial asthma :: Bronchial asthma is a chronic disorder charact…
DRUGS ACTING ON THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM :: Respiratory system is one of the vital syst…
DRUGS AFFECTING GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY :: These agents inhibit intestinal motility…
GASTROINTESTINAL PROTECTIVES AND ADSORBANTS :: These agents adsorb noxious substances…
APPETITE SUPRESSANTS OR ANORECTIC DRUGS :: Following drugs suppress the appetite and …
ACHLORHYDRIA AND ITS TREATMENT :: The impairment in the secretion of stomach may occu…
INDIGENOUS SIALOGOGUES AND STOMACHICS :: Food evokes secretion of saliva in the mouth…
DRUGS ON THE BILE SECRETION : CHOLERECTICS :: Bile stored in the gall bladder flows t…
CHLORPROMAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE :: It acts by depressing the CTZ It has been proved usef…
ANTI -EMETICS :: CTZ is specifically more senstives to dopamine -D2 receptors and 5HT…
ANTI-EMETICS :: The antiemetic agents are used to prevent or control vomiting vomitin…
EMETICS :: Emetics are the drugs which induce vomiting and are generally used in case…
OSMOTIC PURGATIVES :: These agents acts by increasing the bulk of intestinal content …
IRRITANT CATHARTICS :: Colocynth and croton oil are also used as drastic prugatives …
IRRITANT CATHARTICS :: These agents cause an irritation of gastrointestinal tract muc…
CLASSIFICATION OF CATHARTICS :: II.Osmotic Cathartics (Laxatives) 1.Saline Cathartic…
CLASSIFICATION OF CATHARTICS :: 1.Irritant Catharcs :: 1.Antharaquinone Group 1.R…
CATHARTICS LAXATIVES AND PURGATIVES :: (Drugs used in the treatment of constipati…
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